Nuclear Data, cross-section measurements, experimental modeling

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Jesse Brown




I am a nuclear engineer who uses Python, C/C++, and Fortran programs to collect, analyze, and evaluate nuclear data in an effort to improve nuclear engineering applications for clean sustainable energy. When nuclear data are missing or poorly defined, I design and execute cross section measurements to create new datasets.


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Appalachian State University


  1. J.M. Brown, R.C. Block, A. Youmans, H. Choun, A. Ney, E. Blain, D.P. Barry, M.J. Rapp, Y. Danon, “Validation of Unresolved Neutron Resonance Parameters Using a Thick-Sample Transmission Measurement”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2019 (found here)

  2. J.M. Brown, G. Leinweber, D.P. Barry, B. Epping, M. Rapp, Y. Danon, “Improved Transmission and Capture Data for Tantalum-181, American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting 2018, Philadelphia, PA, 2018

  3. J.M. Brown, A. Youmans, N. Thompson, D.P. Barry, G. Leinweber, M.J. Rapp, R.C. Block, Rian Bahran, Y. Danon, “Neutron Transmission Measurements and Resonance Analysis of Molybdenum-96”, 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators, Quebec City, 2017 (found here)

  4. E. Blain, Y. Danon, B. McDermott, A. Youmans, J. Brown, N. Thompson, A. Weltz, K. Mohindroo, G. Leinweber, R. Block, M. Rapp and D. Barry, “Development of an In-Beam Neutron Flux Monitor for Time of Flight Capture Measurements”, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 115, pp. 640-642, 2016.

  5. Amanda E. Youmans, J. Brown, A. Daskalakis, N. Thompson, A. Welz, Y. Danon, B. McDermott, G. Leinweber and M. Rapp, “Fast Neutron Scattering Measurements with Lead”, AccApp 15, Washington, DC, pp. 355-360, November 10-13 2015.

I hope to be releasing programs on nuclear phenomena soon!